Why is the sky blue? How do fish take a breath underwater? All these questions might have popped up in your mind when you were in school. When I was in high school, I was curious to know who created the universe, who came first on the earth, and, most funny, what would happen to gravity if the apple hadn't fallen on newton.

In recent centuries scientists have left no time unexplored to answer everything around the world and within us. But every day, new discoveries get us into deeper questions. With the month of detailed research, I have responded to the five mind-blowing scientific answers to life’s biggest questions.

  1. How do fish take a breath underwater?

Fish also need oxygen to survive like humans. The breathing patterns of fish are different from humans. Fish take a breath from the feathery organ called gills. But how do they extract it from water? 

To remove the oxygen from the water, fish uses a unique organ called gills. It is an organ full of blood vessels used to extract dissolved oxygen from the water and move it into the fish’s cells, and the deoxygenated water pumps out through the gills. 

Why do Dolphins and Whales Swim above the surface water? Because they are mammals. They don’t have gills and lay eggs like fish.

  1. Why is Sky Blue?

The sky is blue due to Raleigh Scattering. The

electromagnetic radiation with a smaller wavelength has more tendency to scatter. When white light enters the earth’s atmosphere, it spreads in different directions due to particles(dust and gaseous) in the atmosphere. 

Blue has a much shorter wavelength than all seven colors in the white light; that's why blue deviates more in all directions through tiny molecules in the atmosphere. The blue color scatters more that’s why the sky appears blue. 

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3. Water is wet. Why?

Water is not wet—a wet term we use to describe an introduction to our senses. Instead of saying water is wet, we should say water has a low viscosity(It is resistant to the flow of liquid). In fluid theory, water has low viscosity because the molecules are loosely joined together. 

4. How was earth-born?

According to the big-bang theory, billions of years ago, hydrogen atoms were discharged into the universe. These hydrogen atoms were not perfectly distributed. Due to gravity, these atoms started accumulating and making more denser areas. This process led to the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. After a couple of centuries, continuous diffusion caused helium formation, giving birth to a star. 

The evidence stated that iron and silicates were available with other minor radioactive elements like uranium, thorium, etc. Due to high heat, elements start melting and accumulating in the earth's center. Iron was first to melt before the silicates. The heaviness of iron caused it to sink into the earth's core. After a long cycle of gigantic heaves and explodes on the earth's surface, the earth started acquiring its shapes after cooling. 

5. How do charging sockets in train110V charge the same as 220V AC?

Before I take you to the logical answer to this question, let me explain the components used in our mobile charger. Our charger uses a step-down transformer and rectifier. When we use chargers at 220 AC voltage, the former step down the voltage, and the latter converts the AC into DC. 

On the other hand, when we use the same charger on the train, it acts as a polarity corrector because DC voltage is unipolar. 

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